Tuesday 16 December 2008

Rockin' the suburbs.

Bad blogger, bad, BAD blogger. I should be ashamed of myself, but I'm not. i have been awfully busy lately, what with that whole Yule thing (see, i used the right name like a good Pagan girl). All the gifts, all the decorations.. Our living room looks like a magpies wet dream.

I will try to blog more often, i promise, but i have so many other things i need to work on. Like my hair. Or not. But I've sort of started writing my next book now because my first book is sort of finished except for the one chapter i have yet to write.

I hate that chapter.

I tried to read Gregory Maguires 'Wicked', but i don't think i like his writing style, it's just too elaborate for me right now. I need something easy to read now, like a cereal box or something, my attention span is getting worse.

A couple of my readers (why yes, you do belong to me) have already heard about the dancing Christmas tree incident, but I'll write it down anyway since it's the only exciting thing that has happened to me in weeks now.

I was attacked by a battery operated, dancing Christmas tree the other day. It fell down on my legs while it screamed 'i pine for you!' Something it's never said before. It still freaks me out, and the way it's eyes keeps following me around wherever i go... Brrr.

Oh, it's early and I'm not really awake yet, so this isn't the most entertaining post I've written, but i just thought I'd let you know that I'm still alive.

Still rockin' the suburbs (great song BTW).

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