It's very nice with pasta.
I don't know why or how it ended up that hot, i just put a lot of stuff in it, like almost everything from the fridge except for jam and those easter eggs that nobody wants to eat.
I am easy to please as i will eat everything put in front of me except for broccoli, Marmite and those funny looking easter eggs of course.
But enough about my dietary versatility, lets talk about something interesting!
Like the weather, it is dreary.
I also have some nice pictures to put out here on the interweb today, here is four from The New Inn in Amesbury this weekend:
Ladies and gentlemen, my friend Jake:

My other friend Phoebe:

And my other other friend Ben:

Oh, and here's one of me where it looks like i have a beak instead of lips, but it's just a bad writing habit i have. I suck and bite my lips and end up looking like one of those weird people:

Yes. I also have some costume pictures from Halloween, but i think I'll post them later. Adding pictures is a tedious and time consuming job.
I bought sushi from CoOp the other day and ate it sitting in a doorway while the rain was pouring down one foot away from me. It was like sitting in a little bubble, very nice. But then again, i always find pleasure doing the strangest things (mind out of gutter please).
I have an idea though, i am thinking about creating another blog where i can post all my short stories and poems. I don't know what to call it yet, but you will be able to find it on my blogger profile.
Thing is, i have lots of stuff to put up, but so much of it is handwritten, and since i am fundamentally lazy it might take a while before i get it all typed in.
And lastly, i don't really know how to react on the whole Ross/Brand incident. It was wrong what they did, but why should i have to pay for it? I like Late night with Jonathan Ross, it is a nice show. Ah well, six months isn't that long, and in the end i think it's the BBC who will suffer the most, not Ross.
By the way, i just found out that i love Elliot Minor! I think they're brilliant!
Ps. Edit to add, i noticed the pictures are looking a bit weird. No, I'm not gonna change it because i have no idea how to.
Good day to you sir.
Ha! You had sushi again! Once in the street, by some dumpsters near graffiti alley and now in narrow shelter from the bleak November weather... Very moody food, I like it...
Yes, and i very much appreciate the irony. Isn't sushi supposed to be a bit 'posh'?
And still i always end up eating it outside and nearby the local homeless-person-hangout spot.
I hereby swear never to eat sushi inside, unless someone i fancy asks me out of course. Like that's gonna happen..
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