Lately I've been going for a walk every evening, just to think and write down small ideas and thoughts. I have this neat little orange book that fits perfectly in my coat pocket.
I decided to write down my latest ramblings here, directly transferred from the first pages in my notebook.
It's crazy stuff, not to be taken seriously. Unless you
want to have that kind of opinion of me.
Behind the desk he sits.
Maybe naked.
But you don't know that, do you?
Because you can't see him.
I want to meet the radio people.
I wonder, are they good listeners?
Behind the desk he sits.
Fully dressed.
But you already knew that, didn't you?
Because you can see him.
He's on TV, everyone can see him.
But he can't see you.
He must be secretly terrified.
He is standing in the spotlight.
All alone and fully dressed.
Can one really be more naked?
One day the laughter will die.
Maybe tomorrow.
The joke's on him.
Words can change your life.
It will change your life.
The first time i heard someone say shrubbery
I knew i was going to England.
How could i not move to a place
Where shrubbery and mittens are actual words?
Where you can say butterscotch, lark, blimey and whimsical as much as you like.
It's wonderful, it really is.
And it's not like anyone comes here for the weather.
When i listen to Yann Tiersen i always think of Paris and wine.
When i drink wine it reminds me of The London Eye.
The London Eye makes me think of Christopher Eccleston.
Christopher Ecclesten makes me think about leather jackets.
Leather jackets reminds me of Neil Gaiman.
Neil Gaiman makes my brain morph into porridge.
This all makes sense in my life.
So please do tell me, why am i always reminded of Ricky Gervais when i boil eggs??
To me real love is always unrequited.
The minute i know i can have him
It turns out my soul shattering love for him
Was nothing more then a crush and a bit of alcohol.
Those two mixed together helps increase the population.
That's something they never teach you in school.
I remember when i cleared out my room after graduating from boarding school.
I found three panties that weren't mine.
Now that's a background story I'd like to hear.
I exploded the dryer today
Apparently it doesn't do shoes.
Isn't that kind of speciest?
An old man in Coop told me i looked like an actress.
Is that what they call smiling these days?
Everytime i'm drunk i tell people that i only eat fruit.
I have no idea why because it isn't true.