Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Late update.

Hello, I'm back from Norway! I meant to blog while i was there, but never really got around to it. So here we are, it's nearly 2 am in the morning, and i am going to Bristol tomorrow, to meet a stranger, an illustrator to be exact. I'm staying at his couch for free so that i can explore the city and sit in nice coffee shops and write. How cool is that?
It almost makes me feel like a real author, not just a writer^^
I know i should have been in bed long ago, but I'm not tired yet. I think i'll just write a short summary of what has happened since the last time i blogged, it's always easier to arrange stuff in lists:

*Made a man fall in love with me after about ten minutes of conversation, although i think he was more in love with the idea of having a girlfriend. It could have been anyone, i was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm good with that....

*Went to Norway without my mom knowing, my brother had to sneak me in at midnight and the next day i hid in a big box on the living room floor. Jumped out in front of my mom. I'll never forget her facial expression, it was priceless.

*Bought two books about writing, on technical and one about the specific fantasy/sci-fi genre that i love to write and read. Interesting stuff, it was very inspiring.

*Got author feedback on one of my chapters on Skrivebua.no, i was very pleased with the comment, and even more pleased to discover that the only criticism i got was about a thypical mistake i realized myself a long time ago and changed. It's about writing feelings, and how it is always better to show then to tell.

*Watched to much CSI, see potential crime scenes and crazy people everywhere. You wouldn't have wanted to be in the same room as me after my x-files marathon last week, i am a very impressionable lady.

*Got woken up in the middle of the night two days ago, by someone screaming on the other side of the street. The police came and arrested one of my 'brothers' friends step father, but no one was hurt. I hate domestic violence.

Well, that was all the highlights i guess, unless... Well, i should really mention my best friend and i getting gloriously drunk in Norway, riding her bike home, crashing into stuff and stealing apples from a strangers garden. I woke up the next morning feeling like Odd Nerdrum slept in my mouth. My pockets were stuffed with apples. It was fun, a good way to say goodbye. She is moving to Russia soon, so i won't see her until next year. Sometimes it hurts to grow up.

Oh, and i also found out that my mom used to date the drummer in Disorder, a band. Haven't heard the music before, but I've seen people wear the shirt, so that's pretty cool. Apparently she was squatting with them in Bristol for a couple of days when she was eighteen.
Well, wadda ya know, i've got a cool mummy^^ But we already knew that.

I really gotta go now, have to get some sleep. I am no good without sleep, ciggies, coffee, books and my fancy writer hat. But then again, that is all i ask for to be happy. Well, that and hopefully enough money to buy all the stuff i don't really need.

I suspect that my brother might be gay by the way, that would have been sooo cool!

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