The title comes from an email my brother sent me this morning, it has nothing to do with anything at all. His brain, i assume, would be a scary place to visit.
When i woke up this morning it was a quarter past six and i felt funny. Not ha ha funny, more headache, empty stomach, dizzy funny. And that's just embarrassing, i had three pints last night, and i want to bed at How old am i? 43?
Anyways, last night was good fun, i met some interesting people and that's always nice. Every thursday they have live music in The Alehouse in Salisbury, and the band playing yesterday was great! Sometimes you get these horrible cover bands featuring 50 year olds with reasonable good voices and a bitter aftertaste of broken dreams (aww, she's being creative again), and that's ok, but it was nice to hear some real talent. is where they live on the interweb, you should go visit them, they're worth it^^
After the consert we got to know the drummer, he has his own Myspace too. I haven't checked it out yet, but i will in a minute.. Wait for it.. Ok, wow, i'm listening to him now, and he's really good!
I love meeting talented people, i have a secret hope tht they will rub off some of their talent on me. This far no luck though, instruments still looks embarrassed and uncomfortable everytime i look at them, and i am starting to think that i actually will have to make an effort if i want to be able to play them. Insufferable it is!
Another brilliant musician i met yesterday was this bloke: his music was just the perfect way to start this morning, or any morning really.
I might or i might not go to Wales this afternoon, it all comes down to the lazy bastard i'm supposed to visit, who sent me a 'good night, i'm going to bed now' text this morning. So if he's awake when i finish work i might still go. If he's not, well that's his loss. I can be quite entertaining sometimes. I think.
I am waiting for my friend to email me pictures from last night, i'll post them when i get them. She has a verrry expensive, fancy camera, so everyone looks amazing in them. Well, everyone always looks amazing in black and white.
And i am waiting impatiently for the book i ordered, it should be here today. Can't wait!
Jeez i'm such a nerd.
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